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Frequently Asked Questions


What/ where is the closest grocery store?

Tom Thumb (.7 miles) Target (1.7 miles) Walmart (2.3 miles)

What school district is this community located in?

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD

What are the top nearby restaurants/ bars?

Addison Ice House, Vitruvian Park Tavern, RA Sushi, Kenny's Woodfire Grill

Where is the nearest transit station (bus, train, etc.)?

Addison Transit Station

What neighborhood or subdivision is this community in?


What is the nearest park or dog park?

Walking distance to the Vitruvian Park, Addison Circle Park, Les Lacs Park

What is the nearest shopping center?

Addison Town Center

What are the nearest coffee shops?

Starbucks location in Tom Thumb around the corner. Ascension Coffee, Dunn Brothers, Scooters Coffee

Other selling points for the neighborhood?