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Frequently Asked Questions


What/ where is the closest grocery store?

Giant, Aldi & International grocery stores within 1-2 miles

What school district is this community located in?

Montgomery County

What are the top nearby restaurants/ bars?

Downtown Silver Spring is about 20 minutes, Pike and Rose is about 20 minutes

Where is the nearest transit station (bus, train, etc.)?

Glenmont Metro is 2.5 miles, Bus stops in front of community

What neighborhood or subdivision is this community in?

Aspen Hill/ Silver Spring

What is the nearest park or dog park?

Wheaton Regional Park

What is the nearest shopping center?

Wheaton Mall and Montgomery Mall

What are the nearest coffee shops?

Dunkin Donuts .25 miles, Starbucks approx. 2 miles

Other selling points for the neighborhood?

Minutes away to the metro with parking, near MD 200, easy drive to DC and downtown silver spring